Acrylics and Oils on Canvas (2004 – 2015)
Employing the compressed sculpture technique, this Collection is symbolic of one’s journey of consciousness from the transient to the Timeless.

45" x 63" MIxed Media on Canvas (2016)

50" x 70" Mixed Media on Canvas (2013)

45" x 63" Mixed Media on Canvas (2008)

45" x 63" Acrylic Sculpture on Canvas, Coloured in Acrylics (2011)

24" x 36" Acrylic Sculpture on Canvas, Coloured in Oils (2007)

45" x 63" Mixed Media on Canvas (2005)

22" x 30" Mixed Media on Canvas (2007)

24" x 36" Acrylic Sculpture on Canvas, Coloured in Oils (2007)

36" x 48" Mixed Media on Canvas (2009)

22" x 30" Mixed media on Canvas (2005)

30" x 48" Mixed Media on Canvas (2005)

18" x 24" Mixed Media on Canvas (2004)